Monday, March 25, 2024

tapta-kanchana-gaurangi radhe vrndavanesvari 
vrsabhanu-sute devi pranamami hari-priye Happy Birthday Lord Chaitanya Maha Prabhu : over 5000 years ago Lord Sri Krsna Chaitanya was born on this earth and he is still very much a live and he is doing very well in his transcendental body! All souls are eternal!


“gaura nityānanda bol, haribol, haribol; gaura śrī-advaita bol, haribol, haribol; gaura śrī-gadādhara bol, haribol haribol.”     “gaura nityānanda bol, haribol, haribol; gaura śrī-advaita bol, haribol, haribol; gaura śrī-gadādhara bol, haribol haribol.”     “gaura nityānanda bol, haribol, haribol; gaura śrī-advaita bol, haribol, haribol; gaura śrī-gadādhara bol, haribol haribol.”  “nitāi gaura haribol, haribol, haribol, haribol,” “nitāi gaura haribol, haribol, haribol, haribol,”“nitāi gaura haribol, haribol, haribol, haribol,” “nitāi gaura haribol, haribol, haribol, haribol,”

 om ajñana- timirandhasya jñanañjana-salakaya caksur unmilitam yena tasmai sri-gurave namah  

yo ’jñāna-mattaṁ bhuvanaṁ dayālur ullāghayann apy akarot pramattam  sva-prema-sampat- sudhayādbhutehaṁ śrī-kṛṣṇa-caitanyam amuṁ prapadye

Prem-se kaho Sri Krsna Caitanya, Prabhu Nityananda, Sri Advaita, Gadadhar, Srivas, Adi Gaura Bhakta Vrinda Ki! (Jai)

Sri Sri Rhada Krsna! Sri Narasimha Bhagavan! Praladha maharaja! Jagatha Puri Ki (Jai)

Lord Gopala Krsna Ki! (Jai)

Today, March 25th, 2024 is the appearance day of Lord Sri Krsna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, I ask for the causeless mercy of Lord Nityananda Prabhu to please forgive me for the horrible crimes that I committed that made me fall into this prison house bereft of all my transcendental powers that included the ability to return to the Kingdom of God at will. I beg for the Lord's Causeless mercy to deliver me from this horrible place, and help me rise to the Kingdom of god. I am sorry! I was so stupid, and I am still very stupid! please forgive me! I was wrong about everything! please forgive me!

Know these words to be "Absolute Truth"  this entire world is under the rule and law of  the Vedic Civilization that does not originate in India. This "Vedic Civilization" originates from god,  Lord Gopala Krsna supreme personality of god head cause of all causes and all that is. Through many writings you will see how the significance of the Vedic Civilization is interpreted by the closeted homosexual men of all religions, the closeted homosexual military men, the closeted homosexual men of science as a civilization that is male dominated. And, while god, gave men authority to carry out most of the management of the workings of this civilization,  god, gave men very simple mandates as the root of how this civilization would be successful. god, did not give men the authority to use "Violence Against Women." under any circumstances.  

Violence against women is a man made virus that has been  continuing to spread in all countries of this earth for over 5,000 years. The Violence against women that exists on this earth was not created by other celestial beings from other planets. The closeted  homosexual religious men, the closeted homosexual military men, the closeted homosexual men of science who are currently managing some of the workings of this "Vedic Civilization" will always place the responsibility of their severe crimes against all living entities on this earth "the blame" on someone else or on other celestial beings such as the asuras, rashasas  "Anunnaki"    or the "Draconians reptilian"  "Satan" " The Devil" " these advance celestial races,  absolutely understand that the Law Of Cause and Effect is as real as their ability to shift forms at will and their ability to attach themselves to other living entities  and that Law of reincarnation is as real as their space ships and their ability to travel to other  planets such as Mars the Law of Reincarnation is as real as this Celestial Race's current support of the C.I.A military agency, military closeted homosexual men and women that are responsible for the production of Bio Weapons, Nuclear Weapons and the use of bio weapons through the World Health Organization W.H.O all over the world. The Violence Against Women that exist on this earth is a conscious choice that the current closeted homosexual men of all religions, the closeted homosexual military men, the closeted homosexual men of science have mistakenly chosen as a method of management for the population of every country on this earth. Similarly, to the conscious choice that Adam and Eve made when eating an apple from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Free Choice is always available in all spiritual platforms, and material universes. the Law of Cause and Effect is present in all spiritual platforms. Knowing that  you have been intentionally lied to, can be very disappointing and create serious traumas in your mind, but if you surrender to god and you allow yourself to become dependent on god, you will make it through the wilderness. 

This entire human civilization is a Vedic Civilization what this means is that god is the supreme absolute authority over all that he created and that all human beings from all races are the Lord's servants, his children. This truth is a very wise switch to help you make a very quick mental adjustment in your mind. This Vedic Civilization was pre-programmed with very strict rules rooted in the 1.The Law of Cause and Effect 2. The Law of reincarnation. These religious mandates and details about these mandates have been shared in all religions such as the "10 Commandments" and the "Religious regulative Principles" for all humanity to follow in order to either 1. have another birth in a human body under better circumstances 2. have another birth on another planet in another material universe or 3. rise to the "kingdom of god". In this Vedic Civilization all human beings of all races in all countries were programmed by god to have with in themselves many transcendental abilities. to reach  higher levels of consciousness, what this means is that all humans of all races possess the ability to be telepaths, clairvoyant, to be able to levitate,  to inter stellar travel, to have inter stellar relationships with other living entities in other planets, to heal their own bodies and other abilities. No human male has the right to maliciously damage the minds and bodies of human beings in order to satisfy their selfish, ignorant,  greedy temporary materialistic pleasures. 

Today. March 25, 2024, we celebrate Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's birthday in the mist of the most horrific conditions that no human being should be programmed to accept or adapt to. Today, March 25, 2024,  human men in positions of leadership in every country have once again proven, that they have zero interest in protecting and enforcing god's religious mandates but rather they are very eager to continue to protect the heinous and brutal attacks against women, and to pursue their conquest of more destruction, more man made illnesses, more calamities, and more plundering of all of nature resources in order for them to continue to keep all the wealth for themselves to rape more women, and more men to indoctrinate more young women, and young men into prostitution and sacred prostitution, drug addiction, and alcohol use. The human men in positions of power have every intention to continue to exclude all of humanity from achieving the highest goal in life to become the Lord's servant and to rise to the "Kingdom of god" 

 The Only reason why souls incarnated into this earth is to achieve the highest goal of life to become the Lord's Servant and be able to achieve "god realization!" Everyday, let's begin our day contemplating  the "absolute truth" The Law of Cause and Effect is as real as nuclear bombs the Law of reincarnation is as real as Hypersonic Missiles. "Violence Against Women" will keep the souls that are currently occupying human  male bodies that are here on this earth and in other planets imprisoned in the cycle of reincarnation, moving from one body to the next, in one life you are Military General sitting at the Pentagon  and in the next life you are a "tick" or a "gut worm" or you can be a woman in a third world country being gang raped and being forced to have children, or you can be a man being held hostage while suffering horrible torture, or you can be a man missing all his limbs. I wish I could change this facts of life but is written very clearly in all our holy books! Keep it simple! Due unto others as you will have them do to you! The greatest achievement that the entire  human population that has been accounted for to be 8,118,835.999 people living in every country in this Vedic Civilization that has been successfully deteriorated by the closeted homosexual religious leaders and the closeted homosexual military men and the closeted homosexual men of science in order for them to full themselves into believing that they are the gods of this world and other worlds at the expense of every human both male and female's physical health, mental health, emotional health, financial health, and spiritual evolution, the greatest achievement that the human population of every country  can celebrate is to be in a human body.

 Only homosexual men can think is perfectly fine and legal to hurt women in every way shape and form in  every country in order to "reign them in" , and continue to exploit women.  Only closeted homosexual men who hate and envy women can continue to allow and use gang rape  and rape of little girls, women, and elderly women, little boys, men, and elderly men,  in order to fulfill their selfish materialistic pleasures that includes promoting and legalizing, illicit sex, promoting and legalizing alcohol use and drug addiction, promoting and programming people that they need to eat meat or else they get sick, and promoting and legalizing "gambling/ divination" these methods of programming have in turn ruin this Vedic Civilization and placed this Vedic Civilization at the very bottom of the evolutionary scale. 

 The only thing that a human being can brag about is being incarnated in a human body. In this life you may be a human male and in the next life, you may be a woman! Everything you do matters! even if your good deeds are not reciprocated and you end up on this street homeless,  god will take care of you as long as you place faith over fear, your body is temporary, your soul is eternal, You can love someone so deeply it hurts, and that someone does not love you back or does not want to be your wife or your husband, god will take care of you as long as you place faith over fear, even if you get a disease know that god will take care of you, if you place faith over fear, even if your body rottens from that disease  know that god will take care of you as long as you place faith over fear. A VISION FOR YOU: In this life your soul can be in the body of a cool wealthy promiscuous woman a "bitch" a "cunt" that has illicit sex and promotes illicit sex and in the next life your soul is in the body of  a dog, a pig, a cock roach or in the body of a man being gang raped and hanged, or in the body of a man suffering from a sexual transmitted disease that has no cure, or your soul can be in the body of a pretty woman in Skidrow, Los Angeles California, crack out of her mind being rape night after night while shasing the next high, or you can be a soul incarnated in the body of a mother having to loose all her children to the disease of alcoholism, drug use, and illicit sex/rape or your soul  can be incarnated in the body of a poor divorcee raising her 5 children by herself in the State of Maryland, or your soul can be incarnated in the body of a man of any race working two jobs living pay check by check while spending all his money in beer and illicit sex/rape, setting up himself for pending doom, which means that your soul will fall into a lower body that is not the body of a human being, or into another human body under worse conditions in another country. But if you change your mind and you purify yourself and ask for the causeless mercy of Lord Nithyananada Prabhu to forgive you for having illicit sex/rape, and for being wrong about everything, such as supporting illicit sex and alcohol use and drug use! and, after you ask  for forgiveness,  you immediately stop having illicit sex/rape and stop drinking alcohol and using drugs, and then you start your day with the Pancha-tattva Maha Mantra   jaya sri-krishna-chaitanya prabhu nityananda sri-adwaita gadadhara shrivasadi-gaura-bhakta-vrinda and then you chant the Maha Mantra : Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare" : as much as you can during the day, try to chant 16 rounds or more "  Under no circumstances should a woman or a man devotee have illicit sex nor use alcohol or drugs nor eat meat or use his or her transcendal abilities for gambling or divination.

"Lord Sri Krsna Chaitanya Maha Prabhu" Lord Krsna's Avatara for the Kali Yuga, taught humanity that they could use the technology of "Kundalini Energy" that all souls that are incarnated into human beings and other living entities inherently possess to  legally use sacred kundalini energy  to have spiritual sex with god, this relationship must include love for Lord Krsna, and during this sacrifice that lasts 24hrs a day, every day,  devotees must recite the Pancha-tattva Maha Mantra :   jaya sri-krishna-chaitanya prabhu nityananda sri-adwaita gadadhara shrivasadi-gaura-bhakta-vrinda  at the beginning of each round or casually and continue to chant the Maha Mantra for 24 hours if possible" Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare"  No exceptions, having this type of relationship with god is very serious, and a devotee should use extreme caution when engaging with god in this manner, this sacred relationship with god, DOES NOT give room to envy, and sexual experimentation that includes pedophilia and Violence Against Women, and no one has the legal right to attach to someone else without their written permission. The only focus in a devotee's mind is how he or she can please the Lord. Hurting someone else or something else will never please the Lord even if you belong to the priestly class and your pineal gland is activated and you can recite all our sacred scriptures from memory  and you chant the Maha Mantra Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare"  . The conjugal relationship with Lord Krsna was a very elevated teaching taught by god to humanity, so that humanity  could rise to the kingdom of god while having spiritual sex that includes pure love for Lord Krsna,  not so that the current closeted homosexual religious leaders, closeted homosexual military leaders, closeted homosexual men of science could use god's sacred technology to hurt other living entities, and to inflict fear in the mind of humanity, to gain control over humanity, while disconnecting humanity from god Lord Gopala Krsna by raping the innocence, purity and trust of devotees, that absolutely HATE being locked up in this prison house and to be programmed to watch their brothers and sisters of all races and body types suffer so horribly, in slaughter houses, in wars, and through men made viruses that make closeted homosexual men rich that belong to every race Caucasian, Black, African, African American, Afro Latino , Latino,  Pacific Islanders, Islanders, Asian... 

The Lord's hard core devotees are committed to purify their minds and spiritualize their physical body while serving god, and by using this spiritual technology the Lord's devotees  "rise to the kingdom of god" , what this means is that when you chant the Maha Mantra Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare"  and you recite the Pancha-tattva Maha Mantra :   jaya sri-krishna-chaitanya prabhu nityananda sri-adwaita gadadhara shrivasadi-gaura-bhakta-vrinda  and you serve and love god with all your heart with all your soul with all you strength you become pure love, pure lord gopala krsna prema, naturally, we are all god's children and while our body ages with time, we still remain children in the Prescence of our creator. 

The body of a woman or a man can be identified to be 5 years old, or 10 years old, or 30 years old, or you can be 23 years old,  41 years old,  or 65 years old, or 70 years old, or  89 years old, 97 years old, of you can be 103 years old and, she  or he is still a child, in the eyes of god, he or she is simply able to take care of her or his physical needs and financial needs, and even raise a family or run a business of any type,  he or she is still a child in the eyes of god. Inflicting psychological trauma, physical trauma, emotional trauma, financial trauma, spiritual trauma with slander defamation and  attacking a woman or man's sexual organs that are "children" although occupying adult bodies, or occupying the body of a child in order to enslaved them in a materialistic society that benefits the cowardly cold blooded cruel, greedy and deceitful closeted homosexual men who are currently managing some of the workings of this "Vedic Civilization" by disconnecting the lord's "children" from god the supreme authority,  creator of every single human being of all races on this earth and every single living entity in all material universes.  Attacks directed towards the Lord's children is absolutely unacceptable. camouflaging these attacks with closeted homosexual men, made up laws that enforces "age discrimination"  and support "pedophilia" and "Violence Against Women" or by the closeted homosexual men of science and the closeted military men "made Up"  definitions of when a human being can be considered a child or an adult and categorizes the virtuosity of purity, innocence, trust, honesty, transparency, generosity, kindness, compassion, and tolerance that both  men and women possess within themselves as a  "mental handicap" of a person that exhibits the behavior of a child,  a person suffering from a combination of problems "mental illnesses"  such as " Autism Spectrum Disorder" (ASD), schizophrenia, Bi Polar Disorder, Eating Disorders, Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Disruptive behavior,  dissocial disorders, anxiety disorder, depression, in order to,  disqualify he or she from being able to attain the highest goal in life "god realization" and for he or she to be able to "Rise to the Kingdom of God" and discourage, and scare off, every other human being in every country from elevating their consciousness by serving and loving god, the supreme authority of All That Is, and, rather legalizing and encouraging the use of illicit drugs and alcohol use, sexual assault/illicit sex, meat eating,  gambling/divination, Violence Against Women, and War Fare,  this way of managing is absolutely unacceptable, and violates the laws of god, the creator and  Absolute Supreme authority of this earth, the Moon, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Venus, Neptune, Mercury, Sirus, Pleaides,  and all the other infinite planets and  countless Material Solar Systems,  Material Galaxies and Material Universes, and the unlimited infinite spiritual world,  All That Is.

Most if not all of the current closeted homosexual men of all religions, closeted homosexual men of all military regimens, men of the scientific field have their kundalini energy activated and they are having a conjugal relationship that excludes their creator,  these closeted homosexual men know how to attach themselves to others people's sexual organs and to apply sexual torture to either drive their target insane or to make them kill themselves or to give them a heart attack or to kill them, some of these closeted  homosexual men work with the C.I.A military and women are responsible for the September  11, 2001, 911 attacks that were carryout by the ignorant women beaters rapist middle Eastern closeted homosexual military men trained by the US military to carry out the 911 attacks against the American people that were inside the World Trade Center that day! These closeted  homosexual military men along with their men of science from the United States Of America are absolutely responsible for the COVID - 19 pandemic that was orchestrated by their associates and business partners and the World Health  Organization W.H.O . these closeted homosexual military men "Caucasian" and other ethnic races such as African American, Asian, Latino, Pacific Islanders,  are  are having a conjugal relationship that excludes love for god and includes their very stupid temporary illusion that they are the gods of this world and that the Law of Cause and Effect is not real, and that the Law of Reincarnation is make belief,  that  they have dominance of other human beings by using the merciless programming of sexual assault and sexual experimentation that includes pedophila! Everything comes to an end, a president can be in office up to 8 years in the United States Of America, a king or a Queen can rule a materialistic kingdom on this earth and in other planets for twenty seven thousand years or even millions of years  and everything comes to an end, a civilization can reach the greatness of Lamuria and everything comes to a end,  You can be the former CEO and founder of APPLE Inc. And everything comes to an end, You can be a very successful Caucasian  Pop singer whose networth is 850 million dollars, that adopted 4 parasitic and ignorant  African children that have been raced to rape and to steal from the poor that were born  in Malawai , aside of her two very sick and greedy parasitic  biological children that are proud of their mother who has made her money out of Violence Against Woman, and  by assisting the C.I.A with the use of  biological weapons and until this day continues to assist the military create events world wide to hurt the people of the world, the Caucasian Pop singer that attaches herself to the sexual organs of military men and women, reporter, activists  or religious  people's  sexual organs who stand against Violence Against Women and drug trafficking , world wide,  Caucasian  Pop singer whose networth is 850 million dollars who is a C.I.A agent that attacks  God fearing religious people sexual organs  in order to hurt them or to kill them when her homosexual military bosses give her the green light to get them out of their way.  Caucasian Pop singer that gave the example to every woman in the world to have abortions after they allow themselves to be raped by having illicit sex in order to get money from man, and have continue the  military programming that gives every men in the world the impression that they have the right to sexually assault women and to exploit them (to steal everything from them, and to leave them pregnant after they rape them ) the Caucasian Pop Singer that is complaisant with the US military  C.I. A's  W.H.O   closeted homosexual military men of all races that plague not only the American people but all the world's people with COVID -19,  AIDS, Polio, Malaria, flesh eating diseases,  and other illnesses and in order to make money out of their suffering and pain and then  builds a hospital for the people in Africa in the country of Malawi. 

Everything comes to an end  the authority that god, gave the souls that are occupying a male physical body in positions of management of every country has now come to an end and it will be Lord Gopala Krsna, god, that will decide what happens next. All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Guranga! All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

                                                         Jaganatha Puri (Ki) Jai

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Simply Beautiful Minute Series Sri Krsna Chaitanya is My Lord and Savior!



  namo maha-vadanyaya  

krishna-prema-pradaya te 

 krishnaya krishna-chaitanya- 

 namne gaura-tvise namaha

(1) samsara-davanala-lidha-loka tranaya karunya-ghanaghanatvam praptasya kalyana-gunarnavasya vande guroh sri-caranaravindam 

(2) mahaprabhoh kirtana-nrtya-gita vaditra-madyan-manaso rasena romañca-kampasru-taranga-bhajo vande guroh sri-caranaravindam 

(3) sri-vigraharadhana-nitya-nana srngara-tan-mandira-marjanadau yuktasya bhaktams ca niyuñjato’pi vande guroh sri-caranaravindam 

(4) catur-vidha-sri-bhagavat-prasada svadv-anna-trptan hari-bhakta-sanghan krtvaiva trptim bhajata sadaiva vande guroh sri-caranaravindam 

(5) sri-radhika-madhavayor apara madhurya-lila-guna-rupa-namnam prati-ksanasvadana-lolupasya vande guroh sri-caranaravindam

 (6) nikuñja-yuno rati-keli-siddhyai ya yalibhir yuktir apeksaniya tatrati-daksyad ati-vallabhasya vande guroh sri caranaravindam

 (7) saksad-dharitvena samasta-sastrair uktas tatha bhavyata eva sadbhih kintu prabhor yah priya eva tasya vande guroh sri caranaravindam 

(8) yasya prasadad bhagavat-prasado yasyaprasadan na gatih kuto ‘pi dhyayan stuvams tasya yasas tri-sandhyam vande guroh sri caranaravindam srimad guror astakam etad uccair brahme muhurte pathati prayatnat yas tena vrndavana-natha-saksat sevaiva labhya januso ´rta eva






namas te narasiḿhāya
hiraṇyakaśipor vakṣaḥ-



ito nṛsiḿhaḥ parato nṛsiḿho
yato yato yāmi tato nṛsiḿhaḥ
bahir nṛsiḿho hṛdaye nṛsiḿho
nṛsiḿham ādiḿ śaraṇaḿ prapadye



tava kara-kamala-vare nakham adbhuta-śṛńgaḿ


keśava dhṛta-narahari-rūpa jaya jagadīśa hare

"Sri Narasimha Kavacha Mantra.pdf"

Monday, February 20, 2023 Presents : Sri Gaura Purnima – Mar 7, 2023


  namo maha-vadanyaya  

krishna-prema-pradaya te 

 krishnaya krishna-chaitanya- 

 namne gaura-tvise namaha

(1) samsara-davanala-lidha-loka tranaya karunya-ghanaghanatvam praptasya kalyana-gunarnavasya vande guroh sri-caranaravindam 

(2) mahaprabhoh kirtana-nrtya-gita vaditra-madyan-manaso rasena romañca-kampasru-taranga-bhajo vande guroh sri-caranaravindam 

(3) sri-vigraharadhana-nitya-nana srngara-tan-mandira-marjanadau yuktasya bhaktams ca niyuñjato’pi vande guroh sri-caranaravindam 

(4) catur-vidha-sri-bhagavat-prasada svadv-anna-trptan hari-bhakta-sanghan krtvaiva trptim bhajata sadaiva vande guroh sri-caranaravindam 

(5) sri-radhika-madhavayor apara madhurya-lila-guna-rupa-namnam prati-ksanasvadana-lolupasya vande guroh sri-caranaravindam

 (6) nikuñja-yuno rati-keli-siddhyai ya yalibhir yuktir apeksaniya tatrati-daksyad ati-vallabhasya vande guroh sri caranaravindam

 (7) saksad-dharitvena samasta-sastrair uktas tatha bhavyata eva sadbhih kintu prabhor yah priya eva tasya vande guroh sri caranaravindam 

(8) yasya prasadad bhagavat-prasado yasyaprasadan na gatih kuto ‘pi dhyayan stuvams tasya yasas tri-sandhyam vande guroh sri caranaravindam srimad guror astakam etad uccair brahme muhurte pathati prayatnat yas tena vrndavana-natha-saksat sevaiva labhya januso ´rta eva



                                                                                                                            You are Invited Click Here     
                                                                                            Sri Siksastakam by Sri Krsna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu